Friday, July 8, 2011

My Question: And God's Answer

Hey, God, I was just wondering
Do you love it when I sing?
Are you really watching me,
Watching, waiting, over me?

I want to know, for I can't bear,
The thought of losing something rare.
I love you with all my heart,
But where were you when I fell apart?

I called out, I heard no reply.
I screamed for you, I started to cry.
Where'd you go, where you couldn't hear my cry?
I needed you, yet you just walked on by.

I tried to be what you wanted,
I tried to make you happy.
I tried to be the perfect daughter,
But I never could make you happy.

What is it that made you leave me,
Sad, hurt, alone, in need?
I cry out, in anguish, in fear,
I know you hear me, and I know you're near.

Why do you not help me,
Your daughter fallen down?
I feel lost and broken,
Without you smiling down.

I cannot live without you,
Yet you won't stay with me;
I can't go on without you!
What's to become of me?

Am I to lie here all alone,
Until the journey's end,
Am I to stay here, lying down,
Without my Father and my Friend?

I cannot bear to stay away;
I love you more and more each day.
Will you not help your child,
Make her whole and reconciled?

All I want is to be like you,
To be whole and blameless and pure.
Was it really you who left me there,
Or me who left you, when I was unsure?

I know now, that I'm at fault.
I left you for the world.
I wish I'd never left your arms,
For without them, I did fall.

Will you maybe take me back,
A sinner condemned unclean?
I do not deserve the honor of life,
But your mercy and grace are free.

I run to your arms,
to be enveloped by you,
And I tell you "I'm sorry,"
you reply, "I forgive you.
"For it's not by your works,
But by faith you are saved;
I died on the cross,
to save YOU from the grave.

"I laid there suffering,
despising the shame,
And thought of you,
and bore the pain.

"For you see, I love you!
I can't even bear
To see you so tired,
So worse for the wear.

"So I offered my life,
That you would be saved:
I bore the cross,
I went to the grave.

"I love you THAT MUCH,
That I'd do anything,
And when you left,
It really did sting.

"It was hard not to help you,
but 'twas you who left me.
I had to pass by you,
And not help you see.

"But you came back,
So now I rejoice,
For the father who loses then finds again
Is always happy to raise his voice
In praise to the King who reigns on high
To Shout Glory, glory to Jesus on high."

And I sing with the angels,
I cry a fierce cry:
For Jesus my Savior
is reigning on high.

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