Friday, July 8, 2011

Beautiful Clouds :)

As I step out onto my front porch, I look out to the west and see a mostly clear blue sky, with a few puffy white clouds of the purest white. Then I turn to the northwest, and I see the most beautiful thing.

A giant storm is rolling in, with dark gray clouds. The fury and power of this storm is obvious; yet due west, the sun has just begun to disappear behind the clouds, and is spewing rays of brilliant light on the smaller clouds to the east.

The dark clouds, with their power, might, and fury, are framed in a striking white light. The view is simply breathtaking.

The lower clouds are floating swiftly north, while the higher storm clouds are moving slowly, but steadily, towards the southeast.

I look to the southeast, and I see beautiful clear blue sky with a few stray clouds, puffy and white. It's so bright and cheerful and beautiful. But as I look back towards the west, I see a small opening in the dark blanket of clouds. Sunlight pours through this opening, shedding light on a hill on the horizon.

The dark clouds are coming closer, and the wind is getting stronger. I am now chilled to the bone, and certain my ears and face must be bright red, but I can't pull away. It's just so beautiful!

The dark clouds with their silver lining, the clear blue sky to the southeast, it's all so magical. It makes me feel so small and insignificant, lost, a tiny piece of this wonderful masterpiece.

But I remember that the Creator of this beautiful work of art made me too, and put special thought and care into how he made me. He sees every sparrow fall, and He sees everything I do. The God that made this huge storm, with all its fury, also gave His one and only Son to die on the cross for me. And that is the true beauty.

As I look around me, I am just amazed at how powerful and mighty God really is. I take a few pictures, attempting to capture the beauty and awe of this sight on film. Thank you, God, for the blessing of such a beautiful place to live. :)

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